my ex friend Danni [names will be changed to protect the sluts, assholes and my loves] is fuckin crazy. she started a rumor that my pregnant and married friend Janell was gonna get an abortion cuz she's a horrible person and hopes she ends up alone and shit. Janell, who is great with her words sent a message to her via fb. here's what it said "Ok so heres the deal you want to sit there and talk shit about other people well then you better be able to fuckin handle it when people say shit back about you. Do you even realize how pathetic you are sitting there acting like a victim making it seem like everyone is out to get you? Oh yeah and go ahead show everyone this message its not going to hurt my feelings or make me lose sleep at night. Second off i admit i called you a slut because you definitely deserve to be called one and believe me it was the nicest thing i could say about you when you deserved to be called much worse! You thought you were all high and mighty, maybe even the shit because you went around telling people that i was going to kill my unborn child by having an abortion. Well heres the fucking news flash in less than 4 months when i have my baby everyone will see what a fucking dirty liar you are. You don't want people talking about you then maybe YOU should learn to keep their names out of your mouth. Grow the fuck up if you have the nerve to say shit have the balls to keep your fucking comments up not delete them like a little bitch because you know they will get a reaction out of people. Clearly obvious you are jealous of me or something fucked up like that because all you do is talk about me. You're not welcome into my life and fuck if i would ever go as low to be friends with trash like you or tell you anything about my life. As far as Landon goes HE DESERVES WAY BETTER THAN YOU! I hope you let that set in really good. As far as my dads fucked up whore of a wife and her two satan spawn haha i don't care what they have to say in fact i laugh even harder if they say anything at all. So like i said go ahead show everyone this message I DON'T CARE, play the victim again, I DON'T CARE, you want to say shit about me you better believe i'll fucking dish it right back to you. Get a fucking life, keep my name out of your fucking nasty mouth, keep living your pathetic putrid life, and maybe just maybe if you have a brain GET SOME FUCKING HELP! Thats all you can go fuck yourself now :)"
isn't that amazing? she's so good with her words. now don't get me wrong, it's harsh. but Danni got everything that was coming to her. you cannot start a rumor about someone and that someone knows who the fuck you are and not expect to get any shit in return.
No, the reason why i'm not friends with Danni anymore is NOT because of Janell. it's because i've been friends with her for 15 years, ever since preschool and i just never had the balls to tell her what i really thought of her. early september they finally grew lmao. ever since we were little, she's always tell me what to do. she locked me in an outhouse on the farm she lived on. extremely run down and disgusting farm. outhouse had earwigs and spiders. it looked gross and smelled bad. she left me in there for about 10 minutes. on another occasion at her grandma's house, she coaxed me into a leaf compressor thing. seriously, when i was younger i was sooooo gullible and anyone could persuade me to do anything. i look back now and think god i was such a pussy!! why didn't i grow a spine? but now, i can't change the past so i gotta get over it.
so in the compressor thing, she closed it on me. once again there were spiders in it. and i attribute both of those to why i'm completely terrified of spiders. i don't doubt that for a second.
i made a list of things that bugged me about Danni. and she can't say she can change them and try to be friends with me again because they're things that she does, not looks or physical things. they're emotional and attitude and personality things. things she can't control. and i don't need to be around that shit. i'm a pretty good person. i treat people good, i'm polite, i don't hate people cuz they have the same name as my mother's maiden name and say they stole my mom's name, i don't cheat on my boyfriend, i don't keep my ex on a leash so that whenever i need a fuck buddy no one know about he'll come around, i don't judge people, i don't manipulate people and steal their money or britney spears cd or dad's cowboys jacket, or text to ask if they wanna hang out and get mad when they can't and then when they ask and you don't want to cuz you're fake busy. i don't dress like something i'm not. i don't act like something i'm not. i don't pretend to BE something i'm not. i don't get rid of friends just because i don't like who they're friends with. i don't play with a bunch of guys hearts and then settle on some other guy that wasn't in the mix at all. i don't treat my ex[es] like shit just cuz we're not together anymore. i don't keep a bunch of secrets from people that are unnecessary or are so far from the past that it doesn't even matter anymore. and most important of all, i don't put on a mask and portray to people that i'm a nice person but inside i'm really a nasty rude hateful slut that tricks people and then manipulates them. i'm not any of those things. and people that are should get anything bad that happens to them. they're scum. i'm a nice person. i don't judge. i don't cheat. i have an extremely guilty conscience if i do the slightest rude thing. i don't know how people can do it!
the end for now. i doubt you read the whole thing anyways...that's fine. it's drama. that i don't want to be a part of but i'm always sucked into it. depressing...
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