Sunday, March 31, 2013

I don't keep up with this anymore. I think I should delete it. :/

Monday, September 10, 2012


oh yea, it's monday. and you're gonna take all the fucking alcohol out of the cupboard and leave with it. what the FUCK is wrong with you? becoming an alcoholic i see.

it's fucking bullshit! you were gone ALL FUCKING WEEKEND and look where i am. i'm ALONE being pissed off at your stupid ass. and to think i actually texted you out of the blue because i love you. FUCK you. i wanted to come how and see you and YOU'RE NOT HERE.

you have goddamn WORK tomorrow. and it's already one AM. what IS this bullshit??

now ignore me. cuz you know you're not doing what you're supposed to. you're NOT eating at denny's like you said. that was 3 fucking hours ago that was "supposed" to happen. you're NOT doing homework cuz you're on FUCKING FACEBOOK.

i don't want you here. you're pathetic and i want nothing to do with it. you can't "hang out" with your school buddies ON A DAY THAT DOESN'T HAVE WORK??

ohhhhh no of course not.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

people on the internet are fucking assholes.
one day soon, i'm gonna make a list of everyone i hate

including celebrities

the end.

Monday, July 2, 2012


why won't this fucking 53 year old man leave me the fuck alone on myyearbook? he's the same age as my dad. no i don't wanna be your friend. no i don't want anything to do with you. you called me a whore and a slimy piece of shit. and accused me of sleeping with the only 2 bfs i've had AT THE SAME TIME and of not even finishing high school. what the fuck is wrong with you?? FUCKING ASSHOLE.